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PEOPLE - Alumni Stories 
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Conversation with Devon Moulton, CEP 2020


How was your Rowan experience?


Devon: When I first arrived at Rowan in September 2016 I was an Environmental Studies major, but as I learned more about the field of planning through various classes I switched to Community and Environmental Planning. From the beginning I always felt very at home within the School of Earth and Environment, because I knew that I wanted my future career to be concerned with the betterment of the environment. The classes and coursework within the School of Earth and Environment afforded me the skills and knowledge I need to be successful within the field of planning and my future career, and my professors never failed to provide a comfortable and productive learning environment. I graduated in May 2020, feeling assured that wherever my career may take me, I will always be prepared for it thanks to my life-molding experiences here at Rowan.  


When did you begin working at the Community Planning + Visualization Lab? Did this help shape your future work goals?


Devon: My position within the Community Planning + Visualization Lab began in May 2019, and ended a couple months after my graduation date of May 2020. Whilst working under Dr. Meenar I assisted in the writing of real-world projects /plans related to brownfield redevelopment and green stormwater infrastructure, granting me hands on experience in these subfields of planning and strengthening my ability to work diligently, efficiently and independently. I was also afforded the opportunity to co-author a journal article, primarily focused on community perceptions and challenges of green stormwater infrastructure. This experience greatly enhanced my research and writing skills, and I would love to work on similar projects in my future career, as brownfield redevelopment and GSI have become my primary interests within planning. As of this writing I am still searching for an employment opportunity, but as more opportunities arise and the Coronavirus pandemic begins to dwindle in severity, I am confident that my experiences in the lab and at Rowan will lead me to a successful career in planning. 

Where do you see yourself in the near future? What about in the distant future?


Devon: In the near future, I am hoping to find an employment opportunity within the field of planning so I can officially begin my career as a planner and continue to acquire new knowledge and skills that will advance me further in my career goals. Ideally, I would like to work at a non-profit that seeks to improve social equity and promote environmental justice within underserved, urban neighborhoods. I also want to strengthen my technical skills using online tools and applications that are commonly used by planners, such as ArcMap and Adobe Creative Suite. I plan to get AICP certified in the distant future, and would like to be LEED certified as well. I have a strong passion for altruism and advocating for those less fortunate than I am, so I can also see myself sometime in the future volunteering with AmeriCorps or Peace Corps.


What interests/hobbies do you have? 


Devon: My whole life I have thoroughly enjoyed playing (and watching) sports, especially soccer, and although my competitive days are far behind me I always enjoy going to a field and playing pickup with my friends. I have always been a lover of video games, which have become increasingly important for my sanity amidst the current pandemic. Other than that I always enjoy learning and teaching myself new things, and I like to spend some time everyday reading, listening to podcasts, and watching videos about current events and information pertinent to my future career goals, such as sustainability, climate change, and urban resilience. 

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