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Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, & Community Development

Complete List of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
* undergraduate student; ** graduate student or thesis advisee
  1. Meenar, M., Panek, J., Kitson, J., & York, A. (2025). Mapping the emotional landscapes of parks in post-industrial communities enduring environmental injustices: Potential implications for biophilic city planning. Cities, 158, 105692.

  2. Rahman, M., Meenar, M. (corresponding author), Labib, S.M., Howell, T., Adlakha, D., & Woodward, B.** (2024). Unveiling environmental justice in two US cities through greenspace access and visible greenness exposure. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 101, 128493.

  3. LoBuono, D, Spencer, L., Bottiglieri, J., Kientz, M., Mastrangelo, M., Meenar, M., & Berman, D. (2024). Evaluation of interprofessional cooking classes and home gardens in group homes. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 56(10), 751-755. 

  4. Keenan, K., & Meenar, M. (2024). Community stakeholders, communicative geography, and the urban policy process. Urban Geography, 45(5), 818-839. Published online in 2023.

  5. Alfairs, R.**, Patel, D., Jalayer, M., & Meenar, M. (2024). Barriers associated with the first/last mile trip and solutions to bridge the gap: A scopic literature review. Transportation Research Record, 2678(1), 38-48. Published online in 2023.

  6. Meenar, M., Rahman, M., Russuck, J., Bauer, S., & Kapri, K. (2023). “The urban poor and vulnerable are hit hardest by the heat”: A heat equity lens to understand community perceptions of climate change, urban heat islands, and green infrastructure, Land, 12(12), 2174.

  7. Tirri, C.**, Nealer, D.**, McCarthy, K.**, & Meenar, M. (corresponding author) (2023). Public perceptions of local food environments in shrinking cities: Weighing solutions to community food insecurity in Camden, New Jersey. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), 100703.

  8. Spencer, L., LoBuonoa, D., Meenar, M., Bottiglieri, J.**, & Berman, D. (2023). Expanding community engagement and equitable access through all-abilities community gardens, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 55(11), 833-840. 

  9. Meenar, M. & Afzalan, N. (2023). Urban planners’ roles, perceptions, needs, and concerns in smart city planning: A survey of U.S. planners. International Planning Studies, 28(1), 21-36. Published online in 2022.

  10. Kitson, J., Bucknum, M., & Meenar, M. (2023). Staging hydrophilic encounters – experiential methods for creating dialogic listening space. Social & Cultural Geography. 24(5), 778-795. Published online in 2021.

  11. Meenar, M., Heckert, M., & Adlakha, D. (2022). Green enough ain’t good enough:” Public perceptions and emotions related to green infrastructure in environmental justice communitiesInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.,19(3), 1448.

  12. Meenar, M.Afzalan, N., & Hajrasouliha, A. (2022). Analyzing Lynch's city imageability in the digital age. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 42(6), 611-623. Published online in 2019.

  13. MacCarthy, K.**, Hasse, J., & Meenar, M. (2022). Web mapping platforms for community planning and engagement: Lessons learned from NJ Map. In Patnaik, S., Sen, S., Ghosh, S. (eds.), Smart Cities and Smart Communities: Empowering Citizens through Intelligent Technologies (pp. 205–229), Singapore: Springer.

  14. Alam, A., Meenar, M., Barraza, F., Khalil, M., & Knopp, K. (2022). Citizen engagement on local government Facebook pages: Experience from Aotearoa New Zealand. Cities, 123 (April), 103584. 

  15. Howell, J. P., Meenar, M., Friend, C., Kelly, J., & Feeny, O. (2022). The Pinelands Development Credit program: Using markets to achieve preservation goals. Case Studies in the Environment, 5(1): 1546241.

  16. Meenar, M. & Mandarano, L. (2021). Using photovoice and emotional maps to understand transitional urban neighborhoods. Cities, 118 (Nov), 103353.  

  17. Mennis, J; Li, X; Meenar, M., Coatsworth, D., McKeon, T., & Mason, M. (2021). Residential greenspace and urban adolescent substance use: Exploring interactive effects with peer network health, sex, and executive function. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1611.

  18. Tirri, C.**, Swanson, H.*, & Meenar, M. (corresponding author) (2021). Finding the “heart” in the green: Conducting a bibliometric analysis to emphasize the need for connecting emotions with biophilic urban planning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9435.

  19. Meenar, M., Howell, J. P., Moulton, D.*, & Walsh, S.* (2020). Green stormwater infrastructure planning in urban landscapes: Understanding context, appearance, meaning, and perception. Land, 9(12), 534.

  20. Meenar, M. & Kitson, J. (2020). Using multi-sensory and multi-dimensional immersive virtual reality in participatory planning. Urban Science , 4(3), 34.

  21. Meenar, M., Howell, J. P., & Hachadorian, J. (2019). Economic, ecological, and equity dimensions of brownfield redevelopment plans for environmental justice communities in the USA. Local Environment, 24(9), 901-915.

  22. ​Meenar, M. (2019). Integrating placemaking concepts into green stormwater infrastructure design in the City of Philadelphia. Environmental Practice, 21(1), 4-19.

  23. Ahmed, S.**, Meenar, M. (corresponding author), & Alam, A. (2019). Designing a blue-green infrastructure (BGI) network: toward water-sensitive urban growth planning in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Land, 8(9), 138. 

  24. Meenar, M., Flamm, B, & Keenan, K. (2019). Mapping the emotional experience of travel to understand cycle-transit user behavior. Sustainability, 11(17), 4743.

  25. Sorrentino, J., Meenar, M., & Wargo, D. (2019). Residential land use change in the Wissahickon Creek Watershed: profitability and sustainability? Sustainability, 11(21), 5933.

  26. Meenar, M., Fromuth, R., & Soro, M. (2018). Planning for watershed-wide flood-mitigation and stormwater management using an environmental justice framework . Environmental Practice, 20(2-3), 55-67.

  27. Christman, Z., Meenar, M., Mandarano, L., & Hearing, K. (2018). Prioritizing suitable locations for green stormwater infrastructure based on social factors in Philadelphia. Land, 7(4), 145.

  28. Ahmed, S. & Meenar, M. (2018). Just sustainability in the global south: A case study of the megacity of Dhaka. Journal of Developing Societies, 34(4), 401-424. 

  29. Meenar, M., Morales, A., & Bonarek, L.** (2017). Regulatory practices of organized urban agriculture: connection to planning and policyJournal of American Planning Association, 83(4), 389-403

  30. Meenar, M. (2017). Using participatory and mixed-methods approaches in GIS to develop a Place-Based Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Index. Environment & Planning A, 49(5), 1181–1205.

  31. Meenar, M. (2017). Assessing the spatial connection between urban agriculture and equity. Built Environment  (special issue on Planning for Equitable Urban and Regional Food Systems), 43(3), 364-375.  

  32. Mandarano, L. & Meenar, M. (2017). Equitable distribution of green stormwater infrastructure: a capacity-based framework for implementation in disadvantaged communities. Local Environment, 22(11), 1338-1357. 

  33. Meenar, M. (2015). Nonprofit-driven community capacity building efforts in community food systems. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 6(1), 77-94.

  34. Mandarano, L. & Meenar, M. (2015). E-participation: comparing trends in practice and the classroom. Planning Practice and Research, 30(4), 457-475.

  35. Sorrentino, J., Meenar, M., Wargo, D., & Lambert, A.** (2014). Housing location in a Philadelphia metro watershed: can profitable be green? Landscape and Urban Planning, 125, 188–206.

  36. Flamm, B., Sutula, K., & Meenar, M. (2014). Changes in access to public transportation for cycle-transit users in response to service reductionsTransport Policy, 35, 154–161.

  37. Meenar, M. (2014). Gardening and quality of life. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 2396–2399). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

  38. Meenar, M. & Hoover, B. (2012). Community food security via urban agriculture: understanding people, place, economy, and accessibility from a food justice perspective. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 3(1), 143-160.

  39. Meenar, M. (2012). Feeding the hungry: food insecurity in lower income communities. In N. Reid, J. Gatrell, & P. Ross (Eds.), Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions (pp. 71-91). Surrey, England: Ashgate.

  40. Mandarano, L., Meenar, M. (corresponding author), & Steins, C. (2011). Building social capital in the digital age of civic engagement. Journal of Planning Literature (special issue on Communicative Cities), 25(2), 123-135.

  41. Sorrentino, J., Meenar, M., & Flamm, B. (2008). Suitable housing placement: a GIS-based approach. Environmental Management, 42(5), 803-820.

  42. Meenar, M. (2008). GIS-based simulation and visualization of urban land use change. In L. Liu, & J. Eck (Eds.), Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems (pp. 50–69). Pennsylvania: Idea Publishing.

  43. Meenar, M. (2006). Using geoinformation technology to develop a vulnerability assessment model in natural disaster-prone areas. Daffodil International University Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 25-33​.

  44. Sorrentino, J., & Meenar, M. (2006). Poverty in the United States. In M. Odekon (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of World Poverty (pp. 1106–1116). California: Sage Publications.​​

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