RESEARCH TRACK 1 — Community food [system + environment + security]

About this track​
This track focuses on community food systems, food environment, and food security. As part of this track, we have investigated several sub-topics, including:: ​
How urban food environments are created and how or why they vary in different communities;
How community food insecurity can be assessed holistically;
The role of urban agriculture in achieving food security, food justice, and community development;
The challenges associated with community food insecurity and urban food production; and
Critical assessments of the role of community gardens in minority and disadvantaged communities.

Relevant projects
Unearthing the Urban Agriculture–Environment Connection: Implications for UA Planning, Practice, and Policy (2024 - 2026)
Sponsor - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Mahbubur Meenar (PI), Asif Ishtiaque (Co-I), Md Shahinoor Rahman (Consultant), Garrett Broad (I), Qian He (I), Nicole Vaughn (I), $300,000
Supporting Effective, Community-Informed Food (2024 - 2025)​
Sponsor - South Jersey Institute for Population Health, Jeanine Cava (PI), Garrett Broad (Co-PI), Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI), and Kate Cairns (Co-PI), $24,574
What To Do About Community Food Insecurity? Is Online Grocery Delivery Model a Potential Solution in Camden, NJ? (2021 - 2022)
Partner - Invincible City, Mahbubur Meenar (PI)
Glassboro Food & Health Equity Project (2020 - 2022)
Sponsor - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/ New Jersey Health Initiatives, Mahbubur Meenar (PI), Leslie Spencer (Co-PI), Melanie Stewart (Co-PI), $50,000
Glassboro Food Hub - Technical Assistance Mini-Grant (2022)​
Sponsor - Illinois Public Health Institute, Mahbubur Meenar (PI), $7,500​
Glassboro-Camden Collaborative Learning on Food and Health Equity (2021 - 2022)​
Sponsor - Healthy Places by Design, Mahbubur Meenar (PI), $15,000 ​
Inclusive Healthy Community Grants Program (2021 - 2022)
Sponsor - New Jersey Division of Disability Services, Leslie Spencer (PI), Dara LoBuono (Co-PI), and Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI), $75,000 for a sub-award through The Family Resource Network (lead applicant, $250,000)
Three-County Collaborative on Inclusive Community Gardens and Cooking with Fresh Produce​ (2022 - 2023)
Sponsor - MissionWorks/Healthy Places by Design, Leslie Spencer (PI), Mahbubur Meenar (Co-PI), and Dara LoBuono (Co-PI), $15,000
Relevant publications
LoBuono, D, Spencer, L., Bottiglieri, J., Kientz, M., Mastrangelo, M., Meenar, M., & Berman, D. (2024). Evaluation of interprofessional cooking classes and home gardens in group homes. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Online First https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2024.06.011.
Tirri, C.**, Nealer, D.**, McCarthy, K.**, & Meenar, M. (2023). Public perceptions of local food environments in shrinking cities: Weighing solutions to community food insecurity in Camden, New Jersey. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), 100703.
Spencer, L., LoBuonoa, D., Meenar, M., Bottiglieri, J.**, & Berman, D. (2023). Expanding community engagement and equitable access through all-abilities community gardens, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 55(11), 833-840.
Meenar, M., Morales, A., & Bonarek, L.** (2017). Regulatory practices of organized urban agriculture: connection to planning and policy. Journal of American Planning Association, 83(4), 389-403
Meenar, M. (2017). Using participatory and mixed-methods approaches in GIS to develop a Place-Based Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Index. Environment & Planning A, 49(5), 1181–1205.
Meenar, M. (2017). Assessing the spatial connection between urban agriculture and equity. Built Environment (special issue on Planning for Equitable Urban and Regional Food Systems), 43(3), 364-375.
Meenar, M. (2015). Nonprofit-driven community capacity building efforts in community food systems. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 6(1), 77-94.
Meenar, M. (2014). Gardening and quality of life. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 2396–2399). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Meenar, M. & Hoover, B. (2012). Community food security via urban agriculture: understanding people, place, economy, and accessibility from a food justice perspective. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 3(1), 143-160.
Meenar, M. (2012). Feeding the hungry: food insecurity in lower income communities. In N. Reid, J. Gatrell, & P. Ross (Eds.), Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions (pp. 71-91). Surrey, England: Ashgate.