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Mahbubur R. Meenar, PhD, GISP

Dr. Meenar is an Assistant Professor of Planning in the Department of Geography & Environment at Rowan University. He examines the connection between spatial and human dimensions in developing plans for sustainable communities, focusing on the nexus of land, water, and food. His research interests also include the use of geo-spatial and other digital technologies in participatory spatial planning. His work has been published in leading journals, including Environmental and Planning A, Journal of Planning Literature, Landscape and Urban Planning, and Environmental Management. Dr. Meenar currently teaches GIS, Geovisualization, and Community Planning & Site Design.


Megan Bucknam Ferrigno

Three-quarter time faculty

Research Interests: Food systems planning, collaborative planning, oral history

Jordan Howell, PhD

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Waste management, environmental policy, environmental governance

Jennifer Kitson, PhD

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Senses and the city, sustainable urbanism, historic preservation

Affiliated Faculty | Geography, Planning, and Sustainability


Robert Gladfelter, Landscape designer | Jason Hachadorian, Urban planner | Kyle Hearing, Urban planner | Jenna Otto, Landscape designer | Labaron Palmer, PhD candidate, Geography & Urban Studies, Temple University | August Tarrier, Editor | Cerulean, LLC | Econsult Solutions




Saleh Ahmed (University of Arizona) | Sanjana Ahmed (Delft University of Technology) | Leonard Bonarek (Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia) | Jeffrey Doshna, PhD (Temple University) | Bradley Flamm, PhD (West Chester University) | Sally Harrison (Temple University) | Lynn Mandarano, PhD (Temple University) | Jeremy Mennis, PhD (Temple University) | Alfonso Morales, PhD (University of Wisconsin – Madison) | Smitha Mysore (SJB School of Architecture and Planning, Bangalore, India) | John Sorrentino, PhD (Temple University)

Organizational Partnerships & Collaboration
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Camden Collaborative Initiative
Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority
Creative Glassboro
Glassboro Borough
Land Dimensions Engineering
New Kensington Community Development Corporation
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
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